Lex Drive for sucker rod pumps SynchroGear™ best technology

Drive for Sucker Rod Pumps (SynchroGear™)

We have developed a drive for sucker rod pumps SynchroGear™ technology with up to 98% efficiency. The system integrates power-efficient Universal Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor and smart Variable Speed Drive without the need for a traditional V-belt transmission system.

Drive for Sucker Rod Pumps (SynchroGear™)

Drive for Sucker Rod Pumps SynchroGear advantages compared to V-belt systems with Asynchronous Motor


About 75% of artificial lift wells worldwide use sucker rod pumps. For decades, the traditional V-belt transmission system with an asynchronous motor has been the only way to drive and control pumping units.

The sucker rod pump is normally used in shallow and medium-depth marginal wells. A significant disadvantage of sucker rod pumps with an asynchronous motor and V-belt transmission is the low end-to-end efficiency of the “motor-V-belt transmission-gearbox” system. This results in poor controllability, overheating when the speed deviates from the nominal value and the risk of premature failure.

Lex‘s engineers have designed the SynchroGear, a surface motor with permanent magnets and smart control with this in mind. This is an effective and efficient replacement of the traditional V-belt transmission and the asynchronous motor. Since the rotor is mounted on the gearbox input shaft, and the stator is mechanically attached to the gearbox housing, the SynchroGear Technology eliminates the need for the V-belt system.

Drive for Sucker Rod Pumps SynchroGear™

The complete installation process (including dismantling, installation of SynchroGearTM, VSD check/set-up) takes approximately three hours, with PMM installation taking a maximum of one hour only.

The smart control system with an auto-adaptation algorithm can:


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    Artificial lift methods are used to operate most of the wells around the world. We design, improve, manufacture, supply, and service advanced artificial lift equipment for any downhole environment. The high quality and reliability of Lex technologies and equipment are assured by our compliance with the requirements of API and NACE / ISO industry standards.